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Get to know this procedure in depth and find out which documents or requirements will be needed in order to request this service at the Fifth Notary of Manizales.

What is a will?

It is a document in which a person expresses their will regarding the fate of their property when they die. It is done through a legal act and can be modified as many times as the person wants while they are alive, as stipulated in article 1055 of the Colombian civil code.


Solemn will:

  • National ID Card.
  • If it is open: 3 witnesses, not relatives or dependent workers.
  • If it is closed: 5 witnesses, not relatives or dependent workers.

Privileged Will:

  • National ID Card.


How many types of wills are there?

Two types:

  • The solemn, which can be open or closed depending on whether it is public or private. It is done in the presence of the notary and 3 or 5 witnesses.
  • The second is called privileged, it is a verbal, military or maritime will.

What is an open solemn will?

It is when the person informs the witnesses and the notary public of the decisions about his assets at the time of the proceeding. When this will is granted, the physical presence of the testator, the notary, who reads the will directly and out loud, and finally 3 witnesses, is required.

What is a closed solemn will?

It is a document delivered in a closed, sealed and signed envelope, which remains hidden or secret by witnesses or the notary himself, there it is declared within the public deed, that the envelope contains the writing of their testament and last will. It will be kept by the notary and will remain in his custody. It can be of a “verbal, military or maritime” nature.

Who can be a witness?

The witnesses selected by the testator cannot be dependent workers or relatives of both the testator and the notary public.

Let us know how we can help you.

Carry out your procedures online or, if you prefer, carry out your notarial procedures directly at the Fifth Notary of Manizales.

Confidence in yourself is the first secret to success. The second is to arm yourself with transparent allies who take care of you and document the most important steps in your life.
At the Fifth Notary we are trustworthy!

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