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Permission for a minor to leave the country

Get to know this procedure in depth and find out which documents or requirements will be needed in order to request this service at the Fifth Notary of Manizales.

What does the permission for a minor to leave the country entail?

As a requirement to leave the country, any Colombian or foreign minor who plans to leave the country must carry the permission granted by both parents or by the parent who is not traveling with the minor. If the permit is made in a private document, it will only be useful for one trip, but if it is done by Public Deed, it can be used in future trips with a change in its validity.


  • National ID Card.
  • Birth certificate of the child.
  • Kinship or relationship with the minor.
  • Destination.
  • Purpose of the trip.
  • Departure date.
  • Return date.
  • Details of the person traveling with the minor: Full name, contact number and relationship.


How should the permission to leave the country by private document be created?

You must have the following information:

  • Departure date and return date.
  • Purpose of the trip.
  • Destination.
  • Details of the person traveling with them (full name, identification number and relationship to the minor), as stipulated in the Childhood and Adolescence Code.

What happens if one of the parents is abroad?

In this case, the exit permit must be authenticated at the Colombian consulate, otherwise it must be signed before a notary public, apostilled and always in its original version.

Where can I fill out the authorization document?

On the Colombia migration page you will find the authorization form. Do not forget that it must be authenticated before the notary.

Let us know how we can help you.

Carry out your procedures online or, if you prefer, carry out your notarial procedures directly at the Fifth Notary of Manizales.

Confidence in yourself is the first secret to success. The second is to arm yourself with transparent allies who take care of you and document the most important steps in your life.
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