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Usufruct termination

Get to know this procedure in depth and find out which documents or requirements will be needed in order to request this service at the Fifth Notary of Manizales.

What is an usufruct termination?

It happens when the usufruct comes to an end, whether previously stipulated or not. The beneficiary of an asset that belongs to another person, loses the right to use and enjoy the benefits of said asset, delivering it in the same state that it was delivered in.

It is governed by article 823 of the civil code.


  • National ID Card.
  • Public deed of incorporation.
  • If it is due to the death of the usufructuary, an authenticated copy of the death certificate must be attached.
  • By prescription, attach a judge’s sentence.


What are the grounds for an usufruct termination?

  • If the usufructuary dies, said extinction is sees as terminated, even if the term stipulated for the termination have not arrived.
  • When the owner sells the property to the usufructuary.
  • By resignation of the usufructuary to their right.
  • By the total destruction of the good.
  • By judicial declaration, which is assumed by the breach of the usufructuary with their obligations.

Let us know how we can help you.

Carry out your procedures online or, if you prefer, carry out your notarial procedures directly at the Fifth Notary of Manizales.

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